Tag: <span>geotagged</span>

To Market, To Toa Payoh East Night Market

I love going to the market. I love the smell of fresh food, the wide array of choices and strangely, I love the haphazard layouts of markets and the stalls. You really don’t know what’s fully in store for you at the market! So you can imagine how thrilled I was when I found out…

Dora the Explorer LIVE! Search for the City of Lost Toys #Giveaway

Dora the Explorer is coming! And she’s live on stage in a musical adventure to Search for the City of Lost Toys! The musical is interactive and everyone is involved to help Dora, Map, Backpack, Boots and Diego to find the lost teddy. Dora will be using her map reading, counting, musical and language skills to…

Top 5 Reasons why Liese Blauné Treatment Cream Color is the hair dye for you

This year, I turn 40. I’ve friends who asked me, why don’t you have qualms telling the whole world your age? And I always reply, it’s not a secret and a lot of my peers are all of the same age too! Thus, I’ve never had an issue with growing older, or revealing the magic…

Sponsored Video: Lego SG100 Rebuild

We just celebrated SG50–Singapore’s 50th birthday. And there are already talks about SG100. What would happen 50 years from now? It would be our kids’ turn to to enjoy the fruits then! And we would be pioneers! One of the best ways to envision what the city would be like is using Lego. To use…

Homemade Kaya – All in 15 minutes!

One of the most ambitious goals I’ve set for myself this year is to try 40 brand new dishes to celebrate me turning 40. You can find out my other Turning 40 goals here! Back to these 40 brand new dishes… I told myself I wanted to try stuff that I’ve never cooked or baked…

A massage for those who run – OSIM uHip Review

OSIM is always synonymous with creating technology that makes one relaxed and comfortable. Think of all their massagers and chairs! It’s amazing how many products they have that deal with various needs. And now, I may have found something just for me! I go running quite often since my Fit & Fab 2013 goals that…

PurelyFresh Online Shopping for Vegetables

Recently, I was at a supermarket shopping for oranges. There was a couple next to me buying oranges too. What surprised me was their focus on picking the ‘perfect’ orange. They picked up each orange, looked for bruises and cuts, then passed to each other for a second round of checks before putting it in…
