New Furniture Line in Town – Struöc

When we moved to our new home a few years back, we were really very excited about finding the right and perfect furniture. This was our 2nd place (after the first one which was with super budget constraints–young and newly wed). We really really wanted to find nice furniture and home accessories to do up the house. I can say that we scoured possibly every furniture enclave in Singapore then. I was quite confident I’ve seen it all in 2011.

We are now in 2014, and I’ve kind of kept in touch with any new or interesting furniture shops popping up in our little island. I must say there are some really nice stuff available around! (But some a tad bit pricey!) Then recently, I came across Struöcfurniture.  And it got me real curious. 

Look at some of their products:

Struoc Urban

Struoc Funk

Struoc ClassicThree totally different looks–Urban, Funk and Classic. And all very gorgeous looking! I personally like the Urban look…very clean and very very cool.

When I tried to find out more from the website, I realised this is a BRAND NEW launch in Singapore. And Struoc Furniture is not giving any further information about themselves until 11 Oct (Sat)! But they are doing something interesting! If you can guess the prices of some selected pieces accurately, you get to bring those pieces home!

Here’s one item from the contest… Can you guess the price?




Do go to their website to join the contest or check out their Facebook page for more information about their launch!

I don’t know about you, but I’m waiting for 11 Oct to find out more!


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