Singapore’s Do Not Call Registry–and do not SMS!!

Do you get calls about purchasing a new bank product? Or listen about a zero interest rate cash transfer programme?

Or do you get SMSes about a new Freehold property launch this weekend? Or the latest 15% sale for all red label products at XYZ company?

I do! And I hate it!! The telemarketers are pushy, and rude. They don’t realise I’m working and am unable to talk. They have no idea when one says, I’m not interested. The SMSes are just as bad. They come at the weirdest hour of the day, and I have to pay for them when I receive them overseas!!!

Enough is enough. And thank God the Government came up with a Do-Not-Call (DNC) Registry. Woohoo!! All you need to do it:

  • Register your phone number with the DNC Registry
  • Choose which option you want: Calls, SMS or Faxes

You can still choose to receive marketing messages by certain organisations, simply by giving them your clear and unambiguous consent in written or other accessible form. Organisations that have obtained your consent may then send marketing messages to your Singapore telephone number, even if it is registered with the DNC registry. If you change your mind, you will be able to withdraw your consent from the organisation concerned (subject to existing contracts).

Firms can be fined up to S$10,000 per customer complaint, and face a maximum penalty of S$1 million.

All these info are from the Personal Data Protection Commission (pdpc) and you can read more about it here. The problem now is, this registry is not ready yet! It will be ready on 2 January 2014

Watch this page for updates on when the registry is open! I think many of us can’t wait to put in our numbers!

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