Tag: <span>Singapore</span>

A Slip Disc – And not at the Lower Back (Part 1)

I have a slip disc. And now, I’m scheduled to go for an op to remove the disc because it’s touching my nerve and it risks touching my spinal cord. I thought I’ll put into words what happened, and do some reflection, and along the way, hopefully tell you a thing or two about posture….

Cetaphil and a chance to win a Family Photoshoot

One of the trusted brands in our family for skincare is Cetaphil.This European brand is a favourite because they have over 40 years’ history of formulating gentle yet effective products that are dermatologically tested. What excited us was when they launched their Cetaphil Baby range. Although our kids are all school-going, this remains one of their go-to products…

Christmas at Fish and Co #Giveaway

[GIVEAWAY CLOSED] One of the most family friendly restaurants we love is Fish & Co. And we can go there for large group gatherings too! There are so many options for everyone… something to share, something for the individual and of course the famous Seafood Platter! This Christmas, they have some new offerings for all…

Capella Singapore – Most Beautiful Place for Christmas Yummies

Capella Singapore has something to offer diners this Christmas! Enjoy the Festive Family Tea Experience at the Chef’s table. Imagine all your favourite Christmas Goodies in this exquisite High Tea at one of the best hotels in Singapore. The Capella Singapore experience will definitely stir up the Christmas Spirit within you. Situated in the idyllic…

Music Is Taught and Caught – Aureus Academy of Music

If you asked any child on the street, there is a high chance he/she is learning some music instrument. Either he’s still learning, or he has learnt it before and for whatever reasons, gave up. Well, not my kids. While the husband and I have music background (the usual ABRSM piano exams), we decided that…

Gym is all about Techniques – Not the weights!

This marks Month 2 of my Fit Fab Journey at the Gym! And you won’t believe it… my sessions at the gym have taken a turn! It is still good with me increasing my stamina, my core strength and with me doing things I’ve never been able to do before. But now, I know how…

Therapy 101: How to learn Academics when there’s Basic Life Skills to cover?

Nadine started various forms of therapy since she was 5. As soon as she was diagnosed with dyslexia and cognitive development issues, we got her on Speech Therapy–to aid her in expressing herself, Physiotherapy–to keep her low tone muscles active, and keep her brains active (layman’s term!), Cognitive Therapy–to teach her how to process pictures…
