When I Turn 40…

I turn 40 next year. There I said it. Not that difficult, just that I realised something that made me wanna turn back time. Let me explain.

I decided that in 2015, I will have a Bucket List with items that stretches me, get me off my comfort zone, and just stuff that are meaningful and contribute somewhat to society. I thought it would be quite nice to celebrate my 40th year. (Not bad ya?)

My birthday’s in June, and I thought, I would give myself the entire year to accomplish these tasks. And that was when I realised I’m ALREADY living my 40th year in 2014, when my birthday passed in June!! I started looking at little 1 year old parties, when we celebrate the child’s milestone of reaching his first year. And that means, the next day after the birthday, the child is in Day 1 of his 2nd year! Sigh… and that’s how I realised I may have just let HALF of my 40th year go by without doing any bucket list or earth shattering stuff!

I really felt like kicking myself. How could I have missed this? Am I the only one?

But of course, it’s time to get ready for the big Four O. I will do a review of my 40th year next June, and do a cheat one again in Dec 2015. So now, it’s putting together a bucket list. I’ve cash constrains (so no traveling round the world or flying to some exotic lands) and time constrains (there’s work, and I can’t leave for an extended period of time).

Any one with some bucket list ideas?

40 years edit

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