Celebrate Women while You Shop!

March is a Women’s month, in my opinion. With the widely celebrated International Women’s Day on 8 Mar, it’s only natural to have this month designated as Women’s Month! (that of course, is my opinion!)

But it seems I’m not alone. A few shops and eating places have wonderful attractive discounts and promotions for women in March! Wooohoooo!! Totally lovely feeling!

And today, the very chic and trendy Missy Stella is having a special promotion with Mum’s the Word! Are you ready?

Mumseword Discount Banner

A 15% discount off ALL purchases! I can’t wait to do some shopping! Let me show you some items I’ve been eyeing!

Missystella collage

We are going shopping soon!! And again on Thursday, cos the new arrivals come in then!

So quickly celebrate your womanhood! Enjoy the 15% while you shop at Missy Stella!

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