Why Moms Blog: When Daddy has his own blog too

As of tomorrow, I’ll be a one-month old blogger! Woohoohoo!

I looked at my posts and realised I covered quite a range of topics from Toilet Squats to Sex Talks to Living in the 80s. I’ve 12 posts in 30 days, does that make me a prolific blogger, an irregular blogger, or a moderate one?

Well, it ain’t important. Honestly, the real objective of starting a blog has barely been met. Now that I’ve my own platform to voice my thoughts, I’ve not gotten down to really talking about IT.

Let me give you a brief background first. I’ve a wonderful husband, Edmund, who is, in his own rights, an avid blogger at Edunloaded.com. Since he started blogging, I’ve guest blogged once in a while, when I have an opinion about something, or when our family goes through some situations. It was good to give a mummy’s voice.

But as I continue on this parenting journey, I found out I had a lot to say, too much to say, my own emotions involved which doesn’t make sense if they were all recorded in someone else’s diary/blog. I should have my own blog, my own perspective.


So I started toying with this idea of blogging. For months, I thought about it. I didn’t want to start a blog that ended up with one post a month, nor did I want to start something that is a duplicate of Edmund’s. So what got me to click on blogger, create a template and start blogging?

0a79fa2c0086c7dac09a2e4771e49a29Nadine. My little 4 year old princess.

In July 2012, we found out she has low muscle tone, which affected her speech, her physical motor skills and her learning abilities. We thank God daily that we found out early enough for the various therapies that she has to go through, and that we can do many many more activities with her that would intervene and improve the development.

This is why I am blogging. I wanted to share the experience, the improvements, the tears and the joy of seeing Nadine grow up. Along the way, I’ll throw in all the other experiences I have with my children. I wanna be able to rant & whine when things don’t go right, but most of all, I want to give thanks when there are victories.


So why haven’t I started blogging about her? Cos it ain’t that easy!!! We are still finding out and reading up more. Daddy freaked out when the therapist said she may have to go Special School, SPECIAL SCHOOL, special school, special school.

The draft for that inaugural post has been brewing since Day 1. And I think with just a few bit more tweaks, I’ll post it. I can’t wait as I’m quite sure after that first post, the rest would just flow much easier! (with that one paragraph up above, it definitely should be much easier!)

Well, since I started blogging, I’ve met some really nice mummies who also blog. There’s a cool community of us Singapore Mom Bloggers who rally around each other—we’ve laughed at each other, offered virtual hugs, gave tips about parenting, shared little snippets about our little ones. That does boost my confidence to blog, knowing that it’s not a secret journal for my eyes only, but there are mummies out there who readily identify with what I go through, or are simply just around to cheer me on.

There you go… signing off as a half-newbie now on Why Moms Blog?

This is part of a blog train, hosted by Rachel from Catch Forty Winks, that would bring us to the lives of 15 Singapore Mom Bloggers.

MotherofKidsTomorrow, we visit Chrystal Lee who runs a blog at MotherofKids where she shares her experiences with her 3 children. She works from home and hopes to use her blog to help more moms do it too. She is going to tell us why she thinks dads like her husband will make bad bloggers!


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