Buying Foreign Sounding ingredients for cooking?

Have you ever tried to follow a recipe, esp when it has ingredients that you are not familiar with? For example, some strange sounding vegetable, or an unpronouncable spice or even an item that is a total unknown to you. Recently, I’ve been trying out various recipes of my favourite foods, and many of them are what I usually cook. For example, a rich English Beef Stew or a Indian Curry. In these dishes, some of the ingredients totally confound me. I’ve no idea is it a fruit, or vegetable, dried or fresh. You can imagine when I go to the stores, I’ve no idea where to look, and I’m not sure how to pronounce it sometimes!

That’s when PurelyFresh, the online grocery store helps! Here’s how I do it!

PurelyFresh Tumeric 1


I just have to type in the first few letters of the ingredients, and the options would appear. Check out what’s Kaffir Lime Leaves!

PurelyFresh Kaffir Lime Leaf


And of course there’s spices that we all need in the kitchen:

PurelyFresh Cumin Seeds

Recently, I did a Beef Rendang, and needed these gingers and spices. It was a breeze to click and choose the quantity I want, and I decided which day and time I wanted the delivery done. And on that very same day, I embarked on the Rendang dish! I did it so fast, I forgot to take a picture when they arrived. This photo was taken the following day (thus it’s missing the Kaffir Lime Leaves, Dried Chilli, and Peeled Shallots).

Look at how they are packed! (I added in a small packed of dried scallops as that was part of my order that day! It doesn’t go in the Rendang though!!)

PurelyFresh Herbs

Isn’t that so easy? This is so helpful! I just search, and click on the quantity I want, purchase it, and I’m ready to make that yummy dish! The beauty of PurelyFresh is also the familiarity with Dialect names of vegetables and in some cases, the English names of these familiar greens. Do you know what’s Chinese Spinach, Malabar Spinach, Chinese Kale, Water Spinach or Cassava Leaf? The above are Phuay Leng (菠菜),  Di Huang Miao (帝皇苗), Kai Lan  (芥蓝), Kang Kong (空心菜), Tapioca Leaves (木薯叶).

Hahaha you learnt something today ya? And in the comforts of home! I really think that’s the beauty of online grocery shopping! And the best bit? PurelyFresh runs 3 wet markets in Woodlands, Sengkang and Punggol. Thus, their products are very very fresh and after shopping there for my fresh produce since July, I’ve not been disappointed! All the meats are fresh, the vegetables are in huge bunches packed neatly for easy storage. I really love it!

Just for YOU Offer

From now till 30 Nov, all Mum’s the Word readers can get a $20 off for your first order! On top of that, you get 5x $8 PurelyFresh credits for your subsequent purchases! Woohoo! All you need to do is key in MUMSEWORD when you check out.

Happy Shopping!



*Disclaimer: This is a series of Sponsored conversations with PurelyFresh. All Opinions are 100% my own. 


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